What time is it in Chile?
Time zones are defined according to longitudes so there should be only one time zone in Chile despite the size of the country. There are actually 3:
Chile as a whole is located in the GTM-4 zone.
Easter Island is located in the GTM-6 zone: two hours less than Santiago all year round.
The tip of Chile's southernmost tip (Punta Arenas) in the GTM-3 zone: the time is the same all year round due to its proximity to the South Pole. Count an extra hour with Santiago from March to October, or the same time from October to March.
What is the time difference between France, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain and Chile?
In the whole of Chile (with the exception of Easter Island and the extreme south), there are 3 time differences with Europe :
1. During European summer time (from March to October) there are 6 hours less in Chile.
2. During European Winter Time (from October to March) there are 4 hours less in Chile.
These two hours of difference between the seasons come from the fact that Europe and Chile are in different hemispheres and everything is reversed: when European countries move their watches forward, Chile moves its own back.
3. Be careful, depending on the dates of time change which are not the same between Chile and European countries, there are transition periods with 5 hours of difference.
Good luck to adjust your watches !