If we leave out the desert part of course and the big Santiago-Valparaiso agglomeration, the whole southern part of Chile is a paradise for fishing lovers!
Because of its relief due to the Andes Cordillera, Southern Chile is criss-crossed by rivers, lakes and fjords offering as many opportunities to practice fishing.
Three big regions in particular will hold the attention (from North to South): The Lakes region (Puerto Montt), The Aysen region and The Magallanes region (Punta Arenas).
On the Menu mainly, trout and Chinook Salmon, also known as king salmon. The latter is a variety of Pacific salmon returning from the rivers of Patagonia.
Some destinations thrive on this activity and offer Lodges specially reserved for anglers.
Warning: Fishing is a regulated practice and it is necessary to buy a license to be able to fish. Count about fifteen euros for a week, about thirty euros for the month.
The recreational fishing license can be obtained from the National Fishing Service, SERNAPESCA (Servicio Nacional de Pesca y Acuicultura). It decides on the opening dates of the season as well as the quotas.